Welcome to Garden Rambles

Garden Rambles is the home of Taranaki celebrity gardening personality Michael Self and his three great loves – gardening, storytelling and teaching earth craft.
Garden Rambles began life in the late 1990’s as a much loved gardening television show hosted by Mike screening on regional TV station Television Taranaki. From there it grew into a regional TV production company dedicated to finding, collecting and telling good kiwi stories with gardening and rural themes shows screening on Sky’s Country TV. Along the way Mike had the good fortune of working with a wide range of famous and fabulous folks like world famous botanist David Bellamy, kiwi TV gardener Maggie Barry, ultimate foodie Peta Methias bug man Rudd Kleinpaste, The Topp Twins, Sam Hunt and Tim Finn and our mate Te Radar alongside hundreds of land-loving kiwi gardeners across the country telling their stories to the world.
These days Mike continues to share his gardening expertise via social media and workshops while also operating a small nursery near Inglewood. There he grows locally and ethically sourced trees for riparian plantings along with specialty plant lines. He is currently experimenting with growing hops for local brew-makers.
Garden Rambles supplies plants to garden centers such as Big Jim’s along with selling direct to gardeners, small block holders and farmer. Good plants with an even better story!
Home town Taranaki boy

Born and raised in the small rural town of Manaia in South Taranaki, Michael has fingers in many pies yet hasn’t moved too far from home base.
With experience as a baker, secondary teacher, commercial nurseryman and holding qualifications in Management and Tourism Michael can turn his hand to most things. He is a passionate yet practical kiwi bloke who gets things done, tells a good yarn and has fun with food.
Currently he shares his time between making growing plants, social media, community activist, organic tutor, his various acting assignments.
There are always a great many projects on the go in Michael’s life and the latest is experiment with hops breeding.
Contact Mike
Michael Self
Phone: 027 2809587
Email: [email protected]
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